About ecoCommute

Welcoming ecoCommute

EcoCommute's purpose is to ease employee commuting to and from work by facilitating carpools, promote public transit use where available, and match employees by their preferred commuting styles, whether it is walking, cycling, ice skating, etc. Its goal is to bring sustainable and healthy commuting options to all Global Affairs Canada (GAC) employees in the National Capital Region (NCR). It is a quick, secure, and personal way to find varying commuting options to and from work.

EcoCommute is supported and implemented by ecoGAC as part of an Innovative Solutions Canada initiative, and developed by Ride Shark, a Canadian-based company.

Why choose ecoCommute?

  • EcoCommute aims to make it easier for employees to use public transit, to carpool, or walk rather than driving alone, increasing overall parking availability. Parking availability is often identified as the main challenge for those who live and work in the NCR.
  • Commuting more sustainably helps reduce traffic, reduces the impact on climate change, and improves air quality.
  • GAC pulse check surveys identified that most employees who commute with others (via carpool, shared cycling, etc.) report a significant increase in their well-being at the workplace.

What does ecoCommute allow employees to do?

  • Discover ways of commuting sustainably with and without colleagues
  • Improve the department’s environmental footprint and their own
  • Seamlessly and automatically track the amount of GHG emissions avoided during their commute
  • Identify a wide selection of transportation options and help with trip planning
  • Have the option of having a travel companion by commuting with colleagues, regardless of their preferred mode of transportation
  • Choose a healthier and more sustainable method of transportation

What are the benefits of ecoCommute?

  • Reduced stress and frustration by having the option to commute with colleagues and/or by commuting actively;
  • Less demand for parking would result in increased parking availability for those who require it and improved traffic flow on the roads;
  • Enhanced social connections with colleagues and others;
  • Healthier and more active lifestyle;
  • Reduced GHG emissions – necessary to mitigate climate change and to improve air quality;
  • More space for nature – fewer cars on the road could result in many benefits, including less need to build and maintain roads, less demand for resources, and more space for pedestrians and cyclists.